Hang Jebat

1961 – Malay – 117 Minutes
Director: Hussein Haniff
Cast: Noordin Ahmad, Latiffah Omar, M. Amin

Hang Jebat and Hang Tuah who are very close friends. Hang Tuah’s unlimited loyalty to the Sultan is unquestioned but all this loyalty was not taken into account and the Sultan who was under the influence of Kermawijaya ordered Hang Tuah’s execution without a fair trial. However, with Datuk Bendahara’s wisdom, Hang Tuah was hidden and kept alive. Hang Jebat took over Hang Tuah’s post as Datuk Laksmana and Hang Jebat took this opportunity to seek revenge for Hang Tuah. Hang Jebat is unstoppable and Hang Tuah was called up to kill Hang Jebat.