Aug 2023 – Thai – 16 x 70′ Genre: Drama, Thriller Cast: Anna Thongprasom, Ananda Everingham, Patricia Tanchanok Good, Rinlanee Sripen, Chartayodom Hiranyasthiti
Dr. Janepitcha’s (Anne Thongprasom) is a successful psychiatrist, loving wife and mother.Her picture-perfect life is shattered when she suspects her husband – Athin (AnandaEveringham) of having an affair.
As Jane unravel more layers into her devious husband’s secret other life, she is enraged when it becomes clear she has been betrayed with a young college student – Kate (Patricia Good). What ensues is a game of cat and mouse with her cheating husband and mistress.She spirals out of control – behaving in ways she never imagined – threatening everyone around her and tearing her family apart.
A cautionary tale of love, lust and revenge for women and a scary tale of horror for men!